a great day (and what’s next at the underground +)

So, that’s me and my girlfriend sitting in McAlister’s Deli on South Tryon in Charlotte, N.C. We’ve spent pretty much all day together; all in all it’s been a pretty good day.

So as you can guess things got worked out. Dave, I thank you for your prayers especially. I appreciate them all.

So on to happier things, I got stomped at Muppets Monopoly today. Oh, wait…I’m not happy about that at all. I spent practically the whole game in jail. Not the first time, I might add, but that’s a story for another blog.

Our plan for today was originally to go to Glenrock Baptist Church to hear an old friend, Gene Flack, preach. We weren’t able to do so, unfortunately, because the Sweetpea was not feeling well at all. So we napped, cleaned the carpets in her apartment, played Monopoly…just really simple stuff, really.

Sometimes I suspect we make our lives far more complex than they really need to be. God’s pretty complex, but He’s also far more simple than we’d often like to admit. I needed an easy day, and today I got one. I’m a high stress sort of guy, as unfortunate as that is, and I’ve been way too stressed out here lately. I guess on the Lord’s Day today, you could say I found God in just relaxing, and keeping things simple. It was nice.

On a different note, I’ll finish the blog series on the Beatitudes tomorrow more likely than not. The next topics up on The Underground Cross will be prayer, and the lack of praying saints in the modern church, as well as some ideas about how to change that; I also intend to tackle the Unity and Tri-unity of God, and Pneumatology; we’ll also look at what I believe to be the fundamentals of the faith, including inerrancy, the Trinity, etc. …
So I’m going to finish this truly awesome cup of sweet tea from McAlister’s and shut up now.

How about you shut off your computer now, and spend some time with friends and family…and enjoy the rest of your night.

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